Glaucoma is known as the ‘Silent Theif of Sight’ a group of eye conditions that can cause irreversible vision loss. Also, we have several misconceptions about this disease. Here are some common myths about glaucoma that should be answered to raise awareness and promote healthy eyes.
- Myth: Glaucoma affects only the elderly
Fact: However, the high risk of glaucoma indeed increases with age, but this condition may affect people of all ages. Congenital Glaucoma can be present at birth and can occur in children and youth. Also, it is necessary for everyone, regardless of age to have regular eye exams to analyse any early symptoms.
2. Myth: Glaucoma always causes symptoms
Fact: No, it is not true that glaucoma always causes symptoms, even the most dangerous aspect of glaucoma is that it comes without any noticeable symptoms. Many people do not experience pain, discomfort, or vision changes in the early stages. By this time, symptoms can come like peripheral vision loss which will be irreversible. Regular eye exams are important to examine symptoms and help to get effective management.
3. Myth: Glaucoma is curable
Fact: No, there is no cure for glaucoma as of now. However, it can be managed effectively with early detection and effective treatment. The goal of this procedure is to prevent further vision loss, as any damage that has occurred cannot be reversed.
4. Myth: Vision loss from glaucoma can be reversible
Fact: False, once vision is lost due to glaucoma, it cannot be restored. Glaucoma damage caused by increased intraocular pressure affects the optic nerve permanently. This is why, it is impossible to reversible vision loss in glaucoma. Maintaining regular eye check-ups and follow-ups would help to address early symptoms of glaucoma.
5. Myth: Only people who have a family history of glaucoma are at risk
Fact: Yes, people who have a family history of glaucoma can indeed be at higher risk to affected by glaucoma but it is not the only factor. Other risk factors can be high intraocular pressure, certain medical conditions (including diabetes and hypertension), severe myopia, and a history of eye injury. It is important to take this condition seriously and don’t let glaucoma fade away from your eyes. Eye examination twice a year is mandatory.
Understanding the facts about glaucoma is vital for early detection and effective management. Regular eye exams are really helpful to beat the silent thief of sight (Glaucoma). If you’re at risk or experiencing eye problems may schedule an eye exam with an eye professional to avoid further complications.
If you are looking for an eye hospital, Sharp Sight provides you best eye hospital in Delhi which will help us to understand your eye condition. Also, we offer a wide range of services, including cataract surgery, Lasik procedure, Glaucoma Treatment, Retina, Pediatric Ophthalmology, and many more. Sharp Sight has 16+ centres pan India and expanding many more centres in the coming 5 years to provide world-class eye care services to everyone at minimal prices.
We have all the upgraded technologies and highly skilled and experienced eye specialists. Sharp Sight provides you all the solutions related to vision.