What are the most common eye problems in kids?


Are your kids glued to smart phones and hardly spending any time outdoors? Are they finding it difficult to see the blackboard? Are they constantly rubbing their eyes? Let us not ignore these symptoms. During a child’s early years, it is crucial to take care of the eyes and get them checked by an ophthalmologist at regular intervals. Eye problems in children can negatively impact their performance in school and their ability to learn. These problems can often go unnoticed, so an early diagnosis and treatment can save your child from a lifelong struggle with eye issues.

Unlike a decade ago, nowadays children as young as those attending kindergarten are dependent upon glasses. This can be attributed to increased adoption of digital smart devices such as smart phone and tablets, and insufficient time spent outdoors.

Some of the common eye related symptoms which parents should lookout for in children are:
• Constantly rubbing and blinking the eyes
• Squinting or partially closing the eyes to see clearly.
• Excessive tearing from the eyes.
• Difficulty in reading.
• Crossed eyes.
• Excessive sensitivity to light.
• Frequently complaining about headaches or eye pain.
• Unable to see the blackboard or distant objects clearly.
• Sitting too close to television

Here are some common eye problems in children:
1. Refractive Errors:
Myopia (Nearsightedness): In this type of refractive error distant objects appear blurry while near objects are clear. It is quite common in school going children.
Hyperopia (Farsightedness): it is inability to see close objects clearly. Children can complain of eye strain and headaches due to this.
Astigmatism: It is a condition where objects placed at a distance and near appear blurred due most often due to irregular cornea. This can occur along with myopia or hypermetropia.

2. Squint (Crossed Eyes or Strabismus): In this condition there is misalignment of the eyes and they deviate in different directions. If left untreated it can lead to lazy eyes and/or severe visual loss.

3. Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): Amblyopia is a condition in which decreased vision in one or both eyes occur as a result of abnormal visual development in infancy or childhood. Here vision in one or both the eyes remain poor despite the use of glasses or contact lenses. If diagnosed and treated early it can be corrected, however if left untreated it can lead to permanent vison loss.

4. Cataract: In this condition the normal crystalline lens of the child becomes cloudy. This can be present at birth or can be acquired later during childhood. This type of cataract can severely obstruct light, leading to vision problems in children. If left untreated for a long time, it can even result in blindness.

5. Ptosis (Drooping Eyelid): In this condition the position of one or both the eyelids is lower than it should normally be, leading to partially or completely covering of the eyes. This may interfere with the child`s vision.

6. Color Blindness: Color blindness often happens when someone cannot distinguish between certain colors. This usually happens between greens and reds, and occasionally blues. It is more common in boys as compared to girls.

7. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): It can occur in premature infants due to abnormal blood vessel development in the retina by birth and it is called ROP. It needs early diagnosis and treatment otherwise it may lead to blindness.

8. Blocked Tear Ducts: This can lead to continuous watering from one or both the eyes and can be accompanied with discharge and stickiness of the eyes. It might resolve spontaneously and if it does not it is best to get a specialist opinion for this.

9. Chalazion and Style: These occur as swelling or lumps in the eyelid or near the eyelid margin. They can be painful or painless. It is advisable to get an ophthalmologist opinion for the same.

What are the preventive measures which can help children avoid these problems?
1. Regular eye examinations by an ophthalmologist.
2. Use of protective eyewear during sports or swimming.
3. Adults should be vigilant and watch out for the above-mentioned symptoms

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of eye related issues is the key to healthy eyes in children and adults. If you are searching for an eye hospital for your children, look no further. Sharp Sight eye hospital in Srinagar has experienced and skilled pediatric ophthalmologists. Get your kid’s eyes checked today with Sharp Sight Eye Hospital.