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Orbit Oculoplasty in Delhi NCR

Orbit and Oculoplasty is a sub-specialty that deals with diseases of the orbit (socket), eyelids, tearducts, etc. Infact, the procedure of Oculoplasty guarantees you a chance to reshape or restructure your eyes which gets affected the most as you age. Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals remains at forefront of advanced Oculoplasty and its corresponding surgeries. We extend services and treatments which are at par with international standards.

What is Oculoplasty?

Oculoplastic surgery like ocular surface reconstruction surgery, eyelid corrective surgery, blepharoplasty, etc., primarily deals with procedures involving eyelids, tear ducts, eye socket or orbit, etc. Many times, these oculoplastic surgeries are considered necessary both for medical and cosmetic purposes. For instance, during lid margin abnormalities like Entropion or Ptosis, the condition can affect a person’s appearance as well as their sight, eye comfort, and eye health. Therefore, these abnormalities require immediate treatment by an experienced and skilled oculoplastic surgeon.

  • Excessive blinking
  • Drooping eyelids (Ptosis)
  • Excessive wrinkles and folds (cosmesis)
  • Eyelids turned in/out (surgical procedure-entropion/ectropion)
  • Excessive watering in tear ducts
  • Tumor growth
  • Blepharoplasty or excessive fat in eyelids.

Who Requires Oculoplasty?

A thorough eye examination is the best way to determine if you are in need of Oculoplasty. However, there are certain indicators or symptoms which may warn you to see an ophthalmologist at an early stage.

  • Excessive blinking
  • Drooping eyelids (Ptosis)
  • Twitching of eyes
  • Excessive wrinkles and folds (cosmesis)
  • Eyelids tearing in/out (surgical procedure-entropion/ectropion)
  • Excessive watering in tear ducts
  • Tumor growth
  • Blepharoplasty or excessive fat in eyelids

Best Oculoplasty Treatment in Delhi NCR

Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals boasts of an excellent and dedicated Oculoplasty Department that offers the reliable and best Oculoplasty Surgery. Our hospitals are well equipped with state-of-the-art technology and therefore, oculoplastic surgeries conducted at Sharp Sight are mostly on an outpatient basis; which means you go home the same day and recovery is fairly quick. We offer surgeries such as:

  • Blepharoplasty or eyelift surgery. This helps to remove excess fat from upper and lower eyelids.
  • Entropion repair corrects abnormal lid that folds inward.
  • Ectropion repair corrects abnormal lid that turns outward.
  • Ptosis repair corrects drooping eyelids
  • External dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) restores the flow of tears
  • Lid reconstruction
  • Orbital surgeries
  • Socket Surgeries

Why choose Sharp Sight for Oculoplasty Treatment?

Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals boasts of an excellent and dedicated Oculoplasty Department that offers the best and reliable Oculoplasty Surgery. Our hospitals are well equipped with state-of-the-art technology and therefore, oculoplastic surgeries conducted at Sharp Sight are mostly on an outpatient basis; which means you go home the same day and recovery is fairly quick. We offer surgeries such as:

  • Blepharoplasty or eyelift surgery. This helps to remove excess fat from upper and lower eyelids.
  • Entropion repair corrects abnormal lid that folds inward.
  • Ectropion repair corrects abnormal lid that turns outward.
  • Ptosis repair corrects drooping eyelids
  • External dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) restores the flow of tears

For more information or to book an appointment contact us!

Frequently Asked Questions About Orbit Oculoplasty Treatment

Is there Orbit and Oculoplasty Sub-Speciality available at Sharp Sight?

At Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals we have a designated department for Orbit and Oculoplasty to deal with diseases of the eyelids, tear ducts and orbits (sockets), which includes aesthetic eyelid surgery, ocular reconstructive surgery, orbital cancer, orbital tumors, etc.

What are Orbital Diseases of eyes?

Orbital diseases generally deal with the tissues lying in the bony socket of the eye. Sometimes it may cause protruding eyeball due to which a patient is unable to blink properly or frequently. Orbital problems could be a result of infection, inflammation, tumor or trauma. Generally, the most effective way to investigate these orbital diseases, especially in case of tumor or trauma is through CT scan and MRI as these may require surgical intervention.

What are lid Tumors?

A lid tumor may be a benign cyst, inflammation in the form of malignant lid tumor which can only be confirmed through a biopsy test. Malignant tumors generally need to be surgically removed and repaired using cosmetic surgery technique, of which medium and large sized tumors generally require reconstruction of the eyelid which is followed by radiation technique. The treatment aims to preserve lid functionality.

What is a lid Injury?

Eyelids provide a layer of protective sheath and shape to our eyeballs and add beauty to our eyes. Thus, any injury caused to eyelids makes it fail to cover the cornea completely and to provide adequate lubrication. Depending on the kind and extent of injury – if it’s platonic, penetrating or blunt, our oculoplastic surgeon offers treatment to the wounds (if any) and repairs the injury so that the cosmetic appearance of the lid looks normal.

What is Ectropion?

Ectropion is a condition commonly seen in elderly patients, in which the eyelids turns outward due to weakening of lid muscles thus affecting the proper functioning of the eye. It generally affects lower eyelid of one or both eyes. Ectropion is commonly caused due to an eye injury, burn or facial paralysis. The condition not only affects the cosmetic look of the face but also cause excessive dryness or excessive tears, infection, irritation, redness in the eyes. It needs immediate treatment by an experienced oculoplastic surgeon.

What is Ptosis?

Ptosis or drooping of the upper eyelid is a condition that may affect one or both eyes. Ptosis may be mild or severe depending on how much is it covering the pupil. Although the condition is associated with aging, it can still affect both children and adults. Depending on its severity and cause, Ptosis can be treated surgically.

What is a blocked tear duct?

At times due to obstruction or blockage in the tear duct, tears can’t drain normally that causes watery and irritated eye. This condition is also caused due to the tumor pressing against the tear duct and blocking it. However, in the case of a tumor, early diagnosis helps in better and faster recovery. Treatment for blocked tear ducts depends on the cause of the blockage and the age of the patient.

What are common lid margin abnormalities?

There are a couple of common lid margin abnormalities like ectropion (where the eyelid turns outwards), entropion (where the eyelid turns inwards) and trichiasis (misdirection of eyelashes). These not only look unpleasant but also affect the proper functioning of the eye and require immediate treatment.

What treatments are available for Trichiasis?

During trichiasis eyelashes often turn inward and scratch the eyeball which causes irritation and results in eye infection called trachoma. The treatment often requires the removal of misaligned lashes or corrective plastic surgery.
