Pediatric Ophthalmologist Powered by Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals
- Delivering exceptional outcomes with state-of-the-art technology and skilled ophthalmic surgeons
Complete care of little eyes
Here, we have a sub-specialty facility to provide treatment for a multitude of children’s ophthalmological problems. In the case of children, vision disorders need to be treated at the right time to avoid any severe complications. This is why detection of eye problems at early stages are important.
Generally, children eye problem is treated with prescribing spectacles to correct minor vision error and misaligned eyes such as Squint or Amblyopia.
- Top-Notch Eye Care Services
- Learned Eye Specialists
- Advanced & Affordable Treatments
- Bad performance in school especially, while copying notes from the blackboard
- Squint
- Regular headache
- Family history of eye disorder/infections
Yet, there are certain eye diseases which remain unnoticed and may cause a permanent visual impairment in the child in the future. It is, therefore, recommended getting your child’s (below the age of 3 years) complete eye check-up done, annually.
Services offered at Sharpsight’s Pediatric Wing
Identify and understand the key risk factors that contribute to the development of cataracts
Advanced treatment for Squint, Double Vision, Amblyopia or Lazy Eye, etc.
Refraction in young children
General eye problems such as Eye Sore and Lump on the Eyelids, etc.
Chronic Disease
Glass vision and low vision aids
Allergic eye conditions and other eye infections
Complete surgical care for Pediatric eye conditions
Different Types of Paediatric Eye Problems
Sharpsight Hospitals offers a comprehensive range of advanced surgical options, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision.
- Squint Eye
- Lazy Eye or Amblyopia
What Is Squint (Strabismus)?
Squint or Strabismus is a condition when one eye turns or wanders in such a way that it does not work in alignment with the other eye. Normally, when we look at an object our eyes point and focus in the same direction. But, if a child has Squint, one eye may focus in one direction, while the other eye turns either inwards, outwards, upwards or downwards. Squints may also cause double vision or lazy eye (Amblyopia). Though Squints can develop at any age, they are more commonly seen in kids and the presence of Squint means that the child’s eyes will lose its ability to work together and to achieve the 3-D vision.
What Causes Squint In Children?
The connection and coordination between the eyes and brain that causes visual pathway usually build up as the child grows. And, this development generally takes place until the tender age of 8 years. So, when the eye muscles fail to work in a balanced or coordinated way, it causes Squint.
Squint Is Generally Caused Due To:
- Refractive Errors: Refractive errors like short-sightedness, long-sightedness and Astigmatism can be a common cause of Squint.
- Family History: Some Squints are a result of genetic make-up. If a parent has/had a Squint, there are more chances for the child to have this condition.
- Premature Childbirth: Children born before 32 weeks may be at the risk of developing Squint.
- Eye Problems: Certain eye problems such as congenital cataract or retinal damage can also lead to Squint.
Squint Is Commonly Categorized As Listed Below:
- Constant squint: When Squint is prominent and is visible all the time
- Intermittent squint: When the squint condition of eyes is not visible all the time
- Infantile squint: When Squint is noticed during the initial one year after birth.
- Acquired Squint: When Squint develops at later stages in a child
- Esotropia: When the eye turns inwards towards the nose.
- Exotropia: When the eye turns outwards.
- Hypertropia: When the eye turns upwards.
- Hypotropia: When the eye turns downwards.
If Squint is not diagnosed or treated during the early years, then it can cause a permanent defect. Therefore, it is advisable to get your child’s comprehensive eye check-up done, annually especially before enrolling the child in a school.
Squint Is Commonly Categorized As Listed Below:
Squint in the early years can be easily treated. Depending on the type of Squint, often a combination of treatments may be recommended to get the desired result. Some of the common and hassle-free ways to treat Squint may include:
- Glasses: Most children with Squint may be prescribed glasses based on their power. It’s important for such children to wear glasses all the time as it enhances their vision and allow them to focus without any difficulty.
- Exercises: Few exercises help to strengthen the eye’s ability to work in coordination. This treatment is usually used together with glasses and/or surgery.
- Surgery: Depending on the type of Squint, children may require corrective surgery. Squint Surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and it does not require any hospital stay.
- Occlusion Therapy or Patching: This treatment helps to improve vision especially in an individual with the Lazy Eye. During occlusion therapy, a child’s normal eye is covered with a patch, due to which he/she is forced to use his/her weaker eye to see things and perform activities. This therapy helps to develop the visual pathway between the weak eye and the brain.
The operation usually weakens or strengthens the muscles of the eye so that both the eyes are better aligned. Though Squint surgery can be performed at any age; it is more effective if performed during earlier years of human eye. In the juvenile and adults the operation is carried out more for cosmetic purposes. It usually takes several weeks to fully recover from corrective Squint Surgery.
Why Choose Sharp Sight Hospital For Your Child’s Squint Treatment?
At Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals we offer the most advanced Squint eye treatment with the latest modality- Microscope assisted surgery which is hassle-free, convenient and a daycare procedure. Our team of pediatric ophthalmologists, offer world-class treatment for squint eye surgery in India. We offer cost-effective squint eye care services with the promise of better visual outcomes.To get qualified advice on Squint by our specialist in Delhi or to find out our cost of Squint surgery in Delhi, contact us.
What Is Lazy Eye Or Amblyopia?
Lazy eye or amblyopia is a developmental problem related to the eye-brain connection where the brain learns to ignore information from one eye which cause blurred vision in that eye. Amblyopia is technically a problem with the brain that tends to get lazy. Lazy eye affects one eye, sometimes reduced visual acuity can occur in both eyes too.
Causes Of Lazy Eye Or Amblyopia
- Squinting eye is said to be the most common cause of amblyopia. If you notice that your child has crossed eyes or eye misalignment, do not delay and schedule an immediate appointment with a pediatric ophthalmologist.
- It may also be caused due to refractive errors like short-sightedness, long-sightedness, or astigmatism in one eye.
- Ametropic amblyopia or loss of vision in both eyes is usually caused when a child has extremely high degrees of refractive error that remains uncorrected for a long time.
For the proper treatment of amblyopia, the condition has to be diagnosed and treated preferably before the child turns six. But it is very often missed as young ones usually fail to notice any problem with their vision or eyesight. Therefore, it is important to get your child’s eyes examined before they start with their schooling.
Treatment Options To Correct Amblyopia
It is important to diagnose lazy eye at an earlier stage because the sooner it is treated better are the chances of complete visual recovery. However, if the treatment is started after the child turns eight, the chances of a successful recovery are bleak.
- Use of patch: during occlusion, the stronger eye is artificially made weak by placing a patch over it to force the lazy eye to work. The child is often made to perform close-up activities such as reading, coloring, etc., while the patch is on so that the brain starts receiving messages from the weaker eye. Duration of this treatment is generally based on the child’s age and also, the severity of the condition. The patch is generally worn with glasses.
- Eye drops: instead of a patch, the vision of the healthy eye is usually blurred with the help of eye drops to force the weak eye to function.
- Eye surgery: if the condition is caused due to structural problems like squint or cataract, the corrective surgery may be required to treat the lazy eye.
- Vision therapy: through this treatment option, the child’s vision is developed by involving them in the exercises and games that require the use of lazy eye more often.
Why Choose Sharp Sight Hospital For Lazy Eye Or Amblyopia Treatment?
At Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals we offer the best Lazy Eye treatment in India. There are a number of treatment programs available depending on the cause and severity of the condition, which gives the best visual outcome. Our pediatric ophthalmologists are some of the experienced and best Amblyopia specialists in Delhi NCR.
Why Sharpsight forPediatric Ophthalmology?
At Sharp Sight eye hospitals, we run an exclusive diagnostics and examination service for children whereupon their eyes are checked against common eye diseases like Amblyopia (diminishing vision from one eye) and Strabismus (Squint).
Our trained Pediatric ophthalmologists/doctors/surgeons perform tests required for various diseases like Congenital Cataract, Congenital Glaucoma, Detached Retina, Retinopathy of Prematurity, Ocular Infections and Hereditary Disorders.
All our Pediatric Ophthalmologist has undergone special training to work with infants and adolescents, and thus, they are well-equipped to help you and your child’s unique eye care needs.
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