Retinal Treatment Powered by Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals
- Delivering exceptional outcomes with state-of-the-art technology and skilled ophthalmic surgeons
How to choose Best Diabetic Retinopathy Treatment
The Vitreoretina service deals with the management of diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, ARMD, infections, trauma & various other retinal disorders. Various retinal disorders occur secondary to various systemic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and intake of various drugs. Regular retina examination is necessary in those at risk. Sharp Sight has well trained team of retinal surgeons with latest diagnostic tools like FFA, ultrasound B Scan, OCT for best results.
An exclusive retinal examination involves dilation of your pupils, examination by the specialist, and diagnostic testing if required. It may take about three hours for the complete examination. Dilation enlarges your pupils to allow the doctor a better view inside your eye. It is important to know that your vision will be blurred and you will be sensitive to light (photophobic) for several hours following this. Many of the procedures (treatments) that may be recommended to treat your condition can be performed by the doctor in the outpatient as well. We also have a well-equipped operation theatre for vitreoretinal surgery.
- Top-Notch Eye Care Services
- Learned Eye Specialists
- Advanced & Affordable Treatments
Different types of Retina Problems
Sharpsight Hospitals offers a comprehensive range of advanced surgical options, ensuring the highest standards of care and precision.
- Retina Detachment
- Diabetic Eye Disease Treatment
- Aged Related Macular Degenration Treatment
Retinal detachment is a severe and sight- threating condition which may cause poor or blurred vision. It’s a medical emergency which needs immediate treatment by an experienced Retina specialist only. It is caused when the retina separates itself from its normal position. The patient experiences a sudden loss of vision or blurred vision. Unless the retina reattached immediately through a Retinal Detachment surgery, may even cause permanent loss of eyesight.

Retinal Tear leading to a detachment
Retinal Detachment, can occur in any age but more commonly seen in older adults over 50 years, is not a painful condition. If you experience sudden flashes of light or floaters or partial loss of vision, do not delay and get your eyes examined by our best retina doctor in Delhi.
Causes and Risk Factors
Some of the common causes and risk factors of Retinal Detachment to watch out for are:
- Diabetes
- Family history of retinal detachment
- Injury/trauma to face/eye
- Tumors
- Cataract surgery complications
- Posterior vitreous detachment.
- High Myopia
Types of Retinal Detachment
A very common type of Retinal Detachment is caused due to a tear/hole or any kind of opening in the retina. Some of the causes for this type of Retinal Detachment includes a condition called posterior vitreous detachment, trauma or family history of Retinal Detachment, high myopia.
Fractional Detachment, another common type of Retinal Detachment is commonly seen in people who have diabetes. However, this may also result from retinal surgery performed in the recent past.
Diagnostic Tests
The first step to confirm if you have Retinal Detachment is to conduct a comprehensive eye examination along with a detailed retinal evaluation, during which drops are put into both your eyes so as to enlarge your pupils. This helps the ophthalmologist to examine the back of the eye clearly. The effect of these drops usually wear off after a few hours, but your vision will be blurred temporarily preventing you from reading and driving.
If you are diagnosed with a Retinal Detachment, you will be advised to have a Retinal Detachment Surgery as soon as possible to reattach the retina because a delayed surgery reduces the chances of good recovery of vision. A few diagnostic tests will be performed to check the retina and pupil.
These may include:
- Visual acuity
- Slit-lamp examination
- Ultrasound of the eye
- Intraocular pressure measurement
- Indirect Ophthalmoscopy
- Refraction test
- Retinal photography/Fundus Photography
Retina Treatment
Retinal Detachment needs a surgical intervention. It could be performed immediately or shortly depending on the symptoms, your eye health, and your general health. At Sharp Sight’s retina center, we have some of the finest and best retina specialist in Delhi NCR who excel in retinal detachment surgery in India. We offer the most advanced treatment for weak retina eye care through the latest machines and equipment’s and our treatment of Retinal Detachment Surgery in Delhi NCR is very cost-effective. We offer the latest modality of treatments for sealing tears and holes, such as lasers, Cryotherapy or a special freezing treatment, Pneumatic Retinopexy (injecting gas bubble), Scleral Buckle, etc. And, to treat the largest tears and detachments, Vitrectomy is performed. This is a time-consuming surgery and it often takes 2-3 hours.
The final outcome of your Retinal Detachment surgery will depend on a couple of factors like how bad is the detachment, type of retinal detachment, your general health, etc. If you have been diagnosed with Retinal Hole and Detachment, consult us at Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals is the best eye hospital in India for retina. We have a team of best Retina doctors in Delhi, best Vitreo Retinal surgeons in India and a track record of happy post-surgical patients.
Diabetes and eye diseases go hand in hand. As a matter of fact, one of the major concerns of a diabetic patient is that they might end up losing their eyesight if their sugar levels are not kept under control. A question that keeps haunting them like a nightmare is: How can diabetes, a disease of the pancreas, have such a dire effect on your vision?
This can be simply explained by the occurrence of diabetes in our bloodstream. When we eat food, it gives us glucose which when broken by the natural insulin of our body releases small cells of energy. In a diabetic patient, this natural insulin mechanism fails and thus causes an elevation in the levels of sugar in our body.
You may have heard that diabetes is a root cause of various eye ailments and it even cause complete blindness. Unfortunately, it’s not a myth! In fact, diabetes or high blood sugar level can cause a number of eye problems; a few of which are sight-threatening and calls for medical emergency. Diabetes may cause frequent changes in vision, blurred and double vision, development of cataract, tears and holes in the retina, etc. Another severe eye complication that is caused due to diabetes is ‘Glaucoma’ or ‘kala motia’. If not diagnosed or treated on time, Glaucoma may cause irreversible loss of vision at a later stage.
At Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals we not only provide excellent medical facility and advanced technology to deal with diabetic eye diseases, but also help to restore your vision to a larger extent, if not fully. We are among very few NABH accredited and CGHS approved Retna eye hospitals in Delhi NCR, known for the Diabetic Retinopathy treatments. If you have diabetes or a family history of diabetes, do not ignore and get your eyes examined thoroughly on regular basis.
Much like sagging skin and graying hair, our eyes and vision too are affected by age. It is therefore, important to read the signs of ageing eyes. Among many such eye conditions which increase the risk for blindness, especially with advancing age is age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).
Early Symptoms
- Blurring of central vision despite use of glasses.
- Need for brighter light while reading.
- Colors appear less bright.
- Visual distortion. For instance, straight lines appear wavy or crooked.
How ARMD Affects Vision
As we age ARMD Macula affects a part of the retina that gives detailed vision,
- Limits an individual’s ability to read, drive, write and recognize faces.
- Depending on the type and severity of ARMD, visual loss may take a few months to many years.
- ARMD usually affects both eyes. It can cause total blindness.
- Wet form of ARMD is severe but it can be treated if diagnosed in time.
Age Related Macular Degeneration Diagnosis And Treatment
At Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals diagnosis of ARMD is conducted through the series of latest and advanced tests. We provide the best and cost effective treatments for age related macular degeneration in Delhi-NCR. In many cases the risk of progression of visual loss caused due to Dry ARMD can be decreased by giving appropriate supplements. But for Wet form of ARMD, there are a few treatment options available, like intravitreal injections, lasers. However, in both types of ARMD, the best outcomes occur if the disease is diagnosed before much damage is caused to eyes.
In patients with severe visual loss LOW VISUAL AIDS can be prescribed for improving the quality of vision enabling him/her to carry on their daily routine.
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