At Sharp Sight, we believe in providing healthy eyesight to all and therefore, we offer a comprehensive series of eye tests conducted by our team of renowned doctors and certified optometrists at pocket-friendly prices. All patients are screened for refractive errors, cataract, glaucoma and for general eye health check-up too. Depending on the findings during…
Eyes are the most sensitive and precious organ of our body. And, therefore, regular tests and timely treatment is the best way to protect vision and to reduce any permanent damage caused to the eyes. But, ‘how to find the best eye hospital near you’ remains to be the biggest challenge. Here are some factors…
If your vision is not clear, then how can you enjoy the marvels of beauty around? The visionary aid, eyes are one of the most indispensable and sensitive sense organs, which require special care or treatment in case of any defect. Sharp Sight Eye Hospitals is a leading eye care chain in North India which renders a world class…
गर्मी और बरसात में नेत्र रोगियों की संख्या बढ़ जाती है। आइए अब गर्मी और बरसात में होने वाली उन समस्याओं और संक्रमणों के बारेमें बात करें जिनके लिए सावधान रहने की जरूरत है। अब अनलॉक-2 शुरू हो गया है और हमें अपने घर से बाहर निकलने की इजाजत है लेकिन सावधानी और सतर्कता से।…
Apart from the sweltering heat, summer brings with it a host of eye problems to deal with. Summer sun can adversely affect the eye and cause various vision problems. For instance, overexposure to ultraviolet rays may cause cataracts, retinal damage and other eye problems too. Much like we use sunscreens to protect our skin, let us not miss to protect…
Technology has made our lives easier. But it also comes at a cost of most precious thing to us-our health. The advent of mobile phones has revolutionized the way we communicate. As a matter of fact, cell phones are not just merely phones but a whole minicomputer in them thus earning the apt title of…
Our diet constitutes an important part of our lifestyle. For a healthy living you need to eat healthy as well. As a matter of fact our diet has an effect on every part of our body including eyes. For most people, taking care of their eyes doesn’t feature amongst their top ten things to do…
आमतौर पर, आंखों की सुरक्षा के लिए भी चश्मे की आवश्यकता पड़ती है। दृष्टि कमजोर होने व उम्र बढ़ने के साथ भी आंखों को चश्मे की जरूरत पड़ती है। कई बार, चश्मे की आवश्यकता आंखों के विभिन्न रोगों में भी पड़ती है। हालांकि, कुछ लोग चश्मे से बचने के लिए कॉटेक्ट लेंस की मदद लेते…